SERVER parameter*   ==  SERVER=protocol[://host[:portNum]][:-:MountOptions]
           portNum  ==  [+|-]number
                    --  default: SERVER=delegate
ADMIN parameter     ==  ADMIN=user@host.domain
                    --  default: built in at compile time
OWNER parameter*    ==  OWNER=user[/group][:srcHostList]
                    --  default: OWNER="nobody/nogroup"
                    --  restriction: super-user only on most of Unix
                    --  restriction: setting the user of a service on Windows
CRON parameter*     ==  CRON="crontab-spec"
       crontab-spec ==  minute hour day month dayOfWeek action
                    --  default: none
INETD parameter*    ==  INETD="inetd-conf"
        inetd-conf  ==  port sockType proto waitStat uid execPath argList
              port  ==  [host:]portNum
          sockType  ==  stream | dgram
             proto  ==  tcp | udp
          waitStat  ==  nowait ("wait" is not yet supported)
                    --  default: none
HOSTLIST parameter* ==  HOSTLIST=listName:HostList
CLUSTER parameter*  ==  CLUSTER=[protoList]:ServerList
        ServerList  ==  [/R,]Server[,ServerList]
            Server  ==  Host[..Port]
CMAP parameter*     ==  CMAP=resultStr:mapName:connMap
           connMap  ==  ProtoList:dstHostList:srcHostList
                    --  default: none
TLSCONF parameter*  ==  TLSCONF=tlsConf[,tlsConf]*
           tlsConf  ==  what:value
                    --  default: TLSCONF=scache:do,xcache:do
STLS parameter*     ==  STLS=stlsSpecs[,sslwayCom][:connMap]
         stlsSpecs  ==  [-]stlsSpec[/im][/ssl][,stlsSpecs]
          stlsSpec  ==  fsv | fcl | mitm | imimSec
         sslwayCom  ==  {sslway [-Vrfy] [-CApath dir] ...}
           connMap  ==  ProtoList:dstHostList:srcHostList
                    --  default: none
                    --  restriction: applicable to HTTP, FTP, SMTP, POP, IMAP, SOCKS
                    --  required: SSLway
CERTDIR parameter   ==  CERTDIR=dir
                    --  default: ${ETCDIR}/certs
                    --  version: DeleGate/9.8.0 + OpenSSL0.9.8g or laters
DGCONF parameter    ==  DGCONF=dir/file
                    --  default: DGCONF='${EXECDIR}/${EXECNAME}.conf'
DYCONF parameter*   ==  DYCONF=[conditions]parameters
        parameters  ==  file:path | cgi:path | arg:{listOfParameters}
                    --  default: none
DYLIB parameter     ==  DYLIB=libfilePattern[,libfilePattern]*
                    --  default: DYLIB='dglib*.so,lib*.so,dglib*.dylib,lib*.dylib'
LDPATH parameter    ==  LDPATH=dirPath[;dirPath]*
                    --  default: LDPATH='${LIBDIR};${EXECDIR};${HOME}/lib;/usr/lib;/lib'
LIBPATH parameter   ==  LIBPATH=dirPath[:dirPath]*
                    --  default: LIBPATH='.:${STARTDIR}:${LIBDIR}:${EXECDIR}:${ETCDIR}'
DATAPATH parameter  ==  DATAPATH=dirPath[:dirPath]*
                    --  default: DATAPATH='.:${DGROOT}:${STARTDIR}
DGPATH parameter    ==  DGPATH=dirPath[:dirPath]*
                    --  default: DGPATH='+:.:${HOME}/delegate:${EXECDIR}:${ETCDIR}'
DGSIGN parameter    ==  DGSIGN=signatureSpec
                    --  default: DGSIGN="V.R.P/Y.M.D"
DGOPTS parameter    ==  DGOPTS=opt[,opt]*
                    --  default: none
SOCKOPT parameter*  ==  SOCKOPT=[no]name[:value]
                    --  default: reuse
PORT parameter      ==  PORT=port[,port]*
              port  ==  [host:]portNum[/udp]
           portNum  ==  number[-number]
                    --  default: none
FORWARD parameter*  ==  FORWARD=gatewayURL[-_-connMap]
        gatewayURL  ==  gwproto://[user:pass@]gwhost[:gwport]
           connMap  ==  protoList:dstHostList:srcHostList
                    --  default: none
ROUTE parameter*    ==  ROUTE=proto://host:port/-_-dstHostList:srcHostList
                    --  default: none
MASTER parameter*   ==  MASTER=host:port[/masterControl][:dstHostList]
                    --  default: none
MASTERP parameter   ==  MASTERP=[host:port]
                    --  default: none
RPORT parameter     ==  RPORT={tcp|udp}[:host]
                    --  default: none
PROXY parameter*    ==  PROXY=host:port[:dstHostList]
                    --  default: none
                    --  restriction: applicable to HTTP, FTP, Telnet
SOCKS parameter*    ==  SOCKS=host[:[port][/socksOpt][:dstHostList[:srcHostList]]]
          socksOpt  ==  [ -4 | -r ]*
                    --  default: none
SSLTUNNEL parameter ==  SSLTUNNEL=host:port
                    --  default: none
VSAP parameter      ==  VSAP=host:port
                    --  default: none
YYMUX parameter*    ==  YYMUX=host[:port][:connMap]
           connMap  ==  ProtoList[:dstHostList[:srcHostList]]
                    --  default: none
YYCONF parameter*   ==  YYCONF=name[:value]
                    --  default: none
CONNECT parameter*  ==  CONNECT=connSeq[:connMap]
           connSeq  ==  connType[,connType]*
          connType  ==  cache|icp|proxy|master|https|vsap|direct|socks|udp
           connMap  ==  ProtoList[:dstHostList[:srcHostList]]
                    --  default: CONNECT="c,i,m,h,y,v,s,d:*:*:*"
SRCIF parameter*    ==  SRCIF=host[:[port][:connMap]]
           connMap  ==  ProtoList:dstHostList:srcHostList
                    --  default: SRCIF="*:*:*:*:*"
TUNNEL parameter    ==  TUNNEL=tunnelType:script
        tunnelType  ==  tty7
                    --  default: none
PERMIT parameter*   ==  PERMIT=connMap
           connMap  ==  ProtoList:dstHostList:srcHostList
                    --  default: none
REJECT parameter*   ==  REJECT=connMap
           connMap  ==  ProtoList:dstHostList:srcHostList
                    --  default: none
REMITTABLE parameter == REMITTABLE=ProtoList
                    --  default: REMITTABLE="*" for generalist
                    --  default: REMITTABLE="." for specialist
REACHABLE parameter* ==  REACHABLE=dstHostList
                    --  default: REACHABLE="*" (any host is reachable)
RELIABLE parameter* ==  RELIABLE=srcHostList
                    --  default: RELIABLE=".localnet"
RELAY parameter*    ==  RELAY=relayTypeList[:connMap]
     relayTypeList  ==  relayType[,relayType]*
         relayType  ==  proxy | delegate | vhost | no | nojava | noapplet
           connMap  ==  ProtoList:dstHostList:srcHostList
                    --  default: RELAY="delegate,nojava:*:*:.localnet"
SCREEN parameter ==  SCREEN={reject|accept}
                    --  default: none
AUTH parameter*     ==  AUTH=what:authProto:who
                    --  default: none
AUTHORIZER parameter* ==  AUTHORIZER=authServList[@realmValue][:connMap]
       authServList  ==  [authForw,]authServ[,authServ]* | & | *
           authForw  ==  -map{inPat}{localPat}{fwdPat} | -strip | -fwd
           authServ  ==  authHost[/portNum][(reprUser)]
           authHost  ==  hostName | hostAddr
         realmValue  ==  word | {words separated with space}
            connMap  ==  ProtoList:dstHostList:srcHostList
                    --  default: none
                    --  restriction: applicable to Telnet, FTP, NNTP, SMTP, IMAP,
                                     Socks, SockMux, and HTTP
MYAUTH parameter*   ==  MYAUTH=username:password[:connMap]
                    --  default: none
                    --  restriction: applicable to Socks, VSAP, SMTP, and HTTP
RIDENT parameter    ==  RIDENT=ridentType[,ridentType]*
       ridentType   ==  client | server
                    --  default: none
MAXIMA parameter*   ==  MAXIMA=what:number,...
                    --  default: MAXIMA=listen:20,ftpcc:2,...
TIMEOUT parameter*  ==  TIMEOUT=what:seconds,...
                    --  default: TIMEOUT=dns:10,acc:10,con:10,lin:30,...
DELAY parameter*    ==  DELAY=what:seconds
                    --  default: DELAY=reject:60,unknown:60,...
CHOKE parameter*    ==  CHOKE=Choking:Client:Ua:Referer:Url:Server:Protocol
                    --  default: none
MOUNT parameter*    ==  MOUNT="vURL rURL [MountOptions]"
                    --  default: MOUNT="/* SERVER_URL*"
MountOptions == option[,option]*
URICONV parameter*  ==  URICONV={convSpec|defElem|defAttr}
          convSpec  ==  convList:attrList
           defElem  ==  defelem:+,elemnameList
           defAttr  ==  defattr:+,attrnameList
                    --  default: it will be shown by URICONV=dump
BASEURL parameter   ==  BASEURL=URL
                    --  default: none
DELEGATE parameter  ==  DELEGATE=gwHost:Port[:ProtoList]
                    --  default: DELEGATE=currentHost:currentPort
COUNTER parameter   ==  COUNTER=listOfCounterControl
    counterControl  ==  do | total | acc | ssi | ref | err | ro | no | mntpV
                    --  default: COUNTER=no
                    --  restriction: applicable to HTTP, SMTP, FTP and DNS
COUNTERDIR parameter  ==  COUNTERDIR=dirPath
                    --  default: COUNTERDIR='${ADMDIR}/counts[date+/year%y/week%W]'
CACHE parameter*    ==  CACHE=cacheControl[,cacheControl]*[:connMap]
      cacheControl  ==  do | no | ro
           connMap  ==  ProtoList[:[dstHostList][:srcHostList]]
                    --  default: none
                    --  restriction: applicable to HTTP, FTP, NNTP and Gopher
EXPIRE parameter*   ==  EXPIRE=validity[/custody][:connMap]
           connMap  ==  ProtoList:dstHostList:srcHostList
          validity  ==  period
           custody  ==  period
            period  ==  Num[d|h|m|s]
                    --  default: EXPIRE=1h
CACHEFILE parameter ==  CACHEFILE=fileNameSpec
                    --  default: CACHEFILE='$[server:%P/%L/%p]'
ICP parameter*      ==  ICP=icpServerList[:icpServerSpec[:connMap]]
     icpServerList  ==  icpServer[,icpServer]*
         icpServer  ==  icpHost[/icpType/proxyPort/icpPort]
     icpServerSpec  ==  icpOptions:proxyPort:icpPort
           connMap  ==  ProtoList:dstHostList:srcHostList
                    --  default: none
                    --  restriction: applicable to {HTTP,FTP}-DeleGate
CHARCODE parameter* ==  CHARCODE=[inputCode/]outputCode[:[tosv][:connMap]]
        outputCode  ==  charCode
          charCode  ==  iso-2022-jp | euc-jp | shift_jis | utf-8 | us-ascii |
                               JIS | EUC | SJIS | UTF8 | ASCII | guess
           connMap  ==  [ProtoList][:[dstHostList][:[srcHostList]]]
                    --  restriction: applicable to HTTP, FTP, SMTP, POP,
                                     NNTP, Telnet, Tcprelay
                    --  default: none
CHARMAP parameter*  ==  CHARMAP=mapType:charMap[,charMap]*[:tosv]
           mapType  ==  ascii | ucs | jis | ucsjis | jisucs
           charMap  ==  inCharCode1[-inCharCode2]/outCharCode2[-[outCharCode2]]
          charCode  ==  hexa-decimal code | single ASCII character
                    --  default: none
HTMLCONV parameter  ==  HTMLCONV=convList
          convList  ==  conv[,conv]*
              conv  ==  deent | enent | fullurl
                    --  default: HTMLCONV=deent
MIMECONV parameter  ==  MIMECONV=mimeConv[,mimeConv]
          mimeConv  ==  thru | charcode | nospenc
                                    | textonly | alt:first | alt:plain
                    --  default: none
                    --  MIMECONV="" if CHARCODE parameter is given
FCL parameter       ==  FCL=filterCommand
FTOCL parameter     ==  FTOCL=filterCommand
FFROMCL parameter   ==  FFROMCL=filterCommand
FSV parameter       ==  FSV=filterCommand
FTOSV parameter     ==  FTOSV=filterCommand
FFROMSV parameter   ==  FFROMSV=filterCommand
FMD parameter       ==  FMD=filterCommand
FTOMD parameter     ==  FTOMD=filterCommand
FFROMMD parameter   ==  FFROMMD=filterCommand
filterCommand       ==  [-s,][-p,][-w,]command
                    --  default: none
XCOM parameter      ==  XCOM=filterCommand
XFIL parameter      ==  XFIL=filterCommand
                    --  default: none
CHROOT parameter    ==  CHROOT=dirPath
                    --  default:  none
                    --  restriction: super-user only on most of Unix
DGROOT parameter    ==  DGROOT=dirPath
                    --  default: if ${STARTDIR}/DGROOT exists then use it, or
                                  on Unix: '/' if CHROOT is set or
                                           '${HOME}/delegate' or
                                           '/var/spool/delegate-${OWNER}' or
                               on Windows: '/Program Files/DeleGate'
SHARE parameter     ==  SHARE=dirPatternList
                    --  default: empty
UMASK parameter     ==  UMASK=mask
                    --  default: the value of umask(2)
VARDIR parameter    ==  VARDIR=dirPath
                    --  default: VARDIR='${DGROOT?&:/var/spool/delegate}'
CACHEDIR parameter  ==  CACHEDIR=dirPath
                    --  default: CACHEDIR='${VARDIR}/cache'
ETCDIR parameter    ==  ETCDIR=dirPath
                    --  default: ETCDIR='${VARDIR}/etc'
ADMDIR parameter    ==  ADMDIR=dirPath
                    --  default: ADMDIR='${VARDIR}/adm'
LOGDIR parameter    ==  LOGDIR=dirPath
                    --  default: LOGDIR='${VARDIR}/log'
                    --  v10-default: LOGDIR='log[date+/y%y/m%m/%d]'
LOGFILE parameter   ==  LOGFILE=[LogFilename]
PROTOLOG parameter  ==  PROTOLOG=[LogFilename][:logFormat]
ERRORLOG parameter  ==  ERRORLOG=LogFilename
TRACELOG parameter  ==  TRACELOG=LogFilename
                    --  default: LOGFILE='${LOGDIR}/${PORT}'
                    --  default: PROTOLOG='${LOGDIR}/${PORT}.${PROTO}'
                    --  default: ERRORLOG='${LOGDIR}/errors.log'
                    --  default: TRACELOG='${LOGDIR}/ptrace.log'
SYSLOG parameter*   ==  SYSLOG=[syslogOpts,][syslogServ]
        syslogOpts  ==  syslogOpt[,syslogOpts]
         syslogOpt  ==  -vt | -vs | -vS | -vH | -fname
                    --  default: none

LogFilename and dirPath Substitution for Aging

EXPIRELOG parameter ==  EXPIRELOG=LogFilename
                    --  default: EXPIRELOG='${LOGDIR}/expire.log'
WORKDIR parameter   ==  WORKDIR=dirPath
                    --  default: WORKDIR='${VARDIR}/work/${PORT}'
ACTDIR parameter    ==  ACTDIR=dirPath
TMPDIR parameter    ==  TMPDIR=dirPath
PIDFILE parameter   ==  PIDFILE=fileName
                    --  default: ACTDIR='${DGROOT}/act'
                    --  default: TMPDIR=system dependent
                    --  default: PIDFILE='${ACTDIR}/pid/${PORT}'
HOSTS parameter*    ==  HOSTS=nameList[/addrList]
          nameList  ==  name | {name[,name]*}
          addrList  ==  addr | {addr[,addr]*}
                    --  default: HOSTS=localhost/
RESOLV parameter    ==  RESOLV=[resolver[,resolver]*]
          resolver  ==  resType[:[resParam][:[queryHostList][:clientHostList]]]
           resType  ==  cache | file | nis | dns | sys
                    --  default: RESOLV=cache,file,nis,dns,sys
RES_WAIT parameter  ==  RES_WAIT=seconds:hostname
                    --  default: RES_WAIT="10:WWW.DeleGate.ORG"
RES_CONF parameter  ==  RES_CONF=URL
                    --  default: RES_CONF="file:/etc/resolv.conf"
                        or from registry (on Windows)
RES_NS parameter    ==  RES_NS=nsList
            nsList  ==  dnsServ[,nsList]
           dnsServ  ==  dnsServer[//socksV5Host] | END.
                    --  default: depend on RES_CONF
RES_AF parameter    ==  RES_AF=afOrder
            afOrder ==  46 | 64 | 4 | 6
                    --  default: 46
RES_RR parameter    ==  RES_RR=HostList
                    --  default: RES_RR="*"
RES_VRFY parameter  ==  RES_VRFY=""
                    --  default: none
RES_DEBUG parameter ==  RES_DEBUG=number
                    --  default: none
       ProtoList  ==  [!]protoSpec[,ProtoList]
       protoSpec  ==  protocolName[/[portNumList][/methodList]]
        HostList  ==  [!][-iType]hostSpec[,HostList]
           iType  ==  {h|a|c|*}/[iType]
        hostSpec  ==  [{userList}@]hostSpec[/netMask]
        userList  ==  userNamePattern[,userNamePattern]*
        hostSpec  ==  hostNamePattern | hostAddrPattern
 userNamePattern  ==  [*]uname[*]
 hostNamePattern  ==  [*]hname[*]
 hostAddrPattern  ==  IPaddressPattern | IPrange
         netMask  ==  IPaddress | maskLength




Common Notation



DGAuth server

PAM server

FTPxHTTP server

YYsh server

YYMUX server

SOCKMUX parameter*  ==  SOCKMUX=host:port:option[,option]*
            option  ==  acc | con | ssl
                    --  default: none
                    --  status: tentative
SOXCONF parameter*  ==  SOXCONF=confSpec[,confSpec]*
                    --  default: none

SockMux server

HTMUX parameter     ==  HTMUX=sv[:[hostList][:portList]]
                     |  HTMUX=cl:host:port
                     |  HTMUX=px:host:port
                    --  restriction: requires CAPSKEY
                    --  default: none
CAPSKEY parameter*  ==  CAPSKEY=opaque
                    --  default: none

Socks server

SOCKSTAP parameter*  ==  SOCKSTAP=ProtoList[:[dstHostList][:[srcHostList][:params]]]
                     --  default: none

HTTP proxy/server

HTTP Transfer Log Format

HTTPCONF parameter  ==  HTTPCONF=what:conf
FILETYPE parameter  ==  FILETYPE=suffix:gopherType:altText:iconName:contentType
                    --  default: FILETYPE=".txt:0:TXT:text:text/plain"
CGIENV parameter    ==  CGIENV=name[,name]*
                    --  default: CGIENV="*"
MountOptions for HTTP-DeleGate

AUTH parameters for HTTP-DeleGate

Configuration of DeleGate by Users

Server Side Include in SHTML files