DeleGate Administration
21:37:02 24-04-25

CAUTION: disabled remote administration (AUTH=admin parameter is not given) [HELP]

NON-SSL! [Configure]
The authorizaion for administration is NOT yet configured. [Configure]
You are NOT yet authorized as the administrator. [Authenticate] [HELP]
  Admin | Setup | Logging | Servers | Configure | CA | Screen | System | Log | Directory | Status | Version

Do Authenticate First

 Server Started Status CPU Usage Processes
now / total
Req.   Load Ave. (RPM)
_self_ Apr 3 00:21 Run 172114.30u 44814.91s 18 / 2848505 3461431  102.26 / 272.5 263.1 238.3

 Configuration name locked updated
yes May 5 2023

Automatic auth.: You seem from without Identd.
Callback auth.: Your authentication information is empty.

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